Links to Genealogy & Family History Resources

Here are some links to research resources you might find helpful in your genealogy and family history research.
These are both online and offline resources I have found helpful in both my personal researching as well as when I research for clients. They are grouped under Subscription or Membership and General {Free}.
For Texas-specific genealogy resources, visit my Texas Genealogy page.
These are both online and offline resources I have found helpful in both my personal researching as well as when I research for clients. They are grouped under Subscription or Membership and General {Free}.
For Texas-specific genealogy resources, visit my Texas Genealogy page.
Subscription or Membership Genealogy Sites
- Accessible Archives
- Collections
- Heritage Books
- National Genealogical Society
- New England Historical Genealogical Society
- World Vital Records' Collections
Free Genealogy Resources
- African-Amercian, Low Country Africana
- Archives, ArchiveGrid
- Archives,
- Archives, Archives Hub (UK research)
- Archives, Archives Wiki
- Archives, DigitalArkivet {Norwegian Archives}
- Archives, Directory of State and Territorial Archives and Records Programs
- Archives, Internet Archive {}
- Archives, Listing of U.S. State Libraries and Archives
- Archives, National Archives and Record Administration
- Archives, Repositories of Primary Sources
- Archives, Smithsonian Institution Archives
- Archives, The American Folk Life Center, Online Collections
- Archives, Tumblr Special Collections (List)
- Biographies, My Genealogy Hound (free family biographies)
- Census, Enumerator Instructions
- Census, Index of Questions
- Church, Catholic Dioceses, List for U.S.
- Church, Episcopal Church Archives
- Church, Episcopal Church Parish Finder
- Church, Genealogical Research in Records of the Episcopal Church (GUIDE)
- Civil War, American Civil War Library Guides, University of Texas at Tyler
- Conferences, Conference Keeper
- Death,
- Death,
- Death,
- Death,
- Death,
- Death,
- Directories, Online Historical Directories Listing (Maintained by Miriam J. Robbins.)
- General, Canva
- General, Cyndi's List
- General, Genealogy on Facebook List (List of over 5000 Facebook groups who collaborate on Genealogy; created by Katherine R. Willson)
- General, Family Group Sheets Project
- General,, Search Historical Records
- General,
- General, Genealogy Trails
- General, (A wiki of house, building, and other place histories.)
- GenWeb, Africa GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, Asia GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, Canada GenWeb
- GenWeb, Caribbean GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, Central European GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, East European GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, Ireland and UK GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, Mediterranean GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, Middle East GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, North America GenWeb Project (Non-U.S. & Non-Canada)
- GenWeb, Oceania GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, South American GenWeb Project
- GenWeb, U.S. GenWeb Archives
- GenWeb, U.S. GenWeb Project
- Germany, GEDBAS
- Germany, Kartenmeister
- Helps, Scanfest (Meets virtually once a month to scan.)
- Helps, Sunday ScanDay Facebook Group (Meets virtually once a week to scan.)
- Immigration, Castle Garden
- Immigration, Ellis Island
- Immigration, Immigrant Ancestors Project
- Ireland, The Great Parchment Book (The Ulster Plantation)
- Ireland, Irish Genealogy
- Library, Digital Public Library of America
- Library, Google Books
- Library, Hathi Trust Digital Library
- Library, Internet Public Library
- Library, Library of Congress
- Library, Trove, National Library of Australia
- Library,
- Land, Bureau of Land Management - General Land Office
- Maps, Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
- Maps, David Rumsey Map Collection
- Maps, {U.S. and World Maps}
- Maps, Google Earth
- Maps, Google Maps
- Maps, Historical from Library of Congress
- Maps, Interactive County Boundary Changes from
- Maps, Perry-Casteñeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas
- Message Boards, Genforum
- Migration, A Map of Early Western Migration Trails via TNGenWeb
- Migration, Historic Roadways from
- Migration, American Migration Fact Sheets (Created & maintained by Beverly Whitaker, MA.)
- Migration,
- New England,, free databases
- Newspapers, British & Irish Newspapers, Index of Digitalised Issues
- Newspapers, Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers {NewspaperCat}
- Newspapers, Chronicling America (free newspapers; has some Texas newspapers)
- Newspapers, (Free historical newspaper search engine)
- Newspapers, Google Newspaper Archive (searchable and browsable)
- Newspapers,
- Newspapers, Online Archives, "List of" from Wikipedia
- Newspapers, Online Historical Newspapers Listing (Maintained by Miriam J. Robbins.)
- Newspapers, Research Video Tutorials from (Kenneth R. Marks)
- Norway, DIS-Hordaland
- Norway, Norwegian Genealogy Resources
- Obituaries, Obituary Links Page
- Obituaries, Obituary Central
- Organization, How to Organize Your Genealogy Research with Evernote (Video tutorial)
- Organization, How to Organize Your Genealogy Research with Onenote (3-part video tutorial series.)
- Photos, AncientFaces
- Photos, {photo archive}
- Reference, FamilySearch Wiki
- Reference,
- Reference, Rootsweb
- Reference, Virtual Reference Desk
- Reference, Wolfram|Alpha
- Search, DuckDuckGo Search Engine
- Search, Google Advanced Search Engine
- Search, Google Search Tips & Tricks
- Search, One-Step Web Pages by Stephen P. Morse
- Societies, Genealogical and Historical Societies Listing by State (via
- Software, Comparison Chart
- Studies, Register of One-Place Studies
- Studies, The Guild of One-Name Studies
- Writing, Family History Writing with Scrivener (Video Tutorials by Lynn Palermo.)
Free Genealogy Tools
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