While I've been sick for little over a week [and for much of that in bed], I've watched quite a bit of TV. And you might think that the last thing I want to do is watch more TV this Friday night [even if it is about genealogy], but you couldn't be more wrong. While it's going to be hard to beat Rita's episode last week [Seriously. It was THAT good.], I can't wait to watch Edie Falco's episode. She's got the 'Brown' surname in her tree, and I have it as well. Twice. One dates back to Fairfield, Fairfield, CT during the American Revolution and the other dates back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. I'm not holding my breath hoping to find a match cuz, hello? It might as well be Smith or Davis, which I have a Davis in my tree who had the audacity to marry a Mr. Smith, but I digress. It'll be interesting to me how many Browns they can shake out of Edie's tree. So, yeah. I'll be watching. And tweeting through it. [That's a warning to those not watching the show in the Eastern or Central time zone.] No Spreecast because I have a cough that's really nasty. [Stupid bronchitis and asthma.] Below is the "An Unknown Mr. Brown" clip from Edie's upcoming episode which airs tomorrow night on NBC [7pm Central]. ~Caroline
February 2017
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