![]() With Google Plus' launch of Communities, Kenneth R. Marks from TheAncestorHunt.com and I would like to introduce you to the 2 Google Plus Communities we created for genealogy and family history researchers. Tech for Genealogy and Family History Researchers Google+ Community
The first one is the Tech for Genealogy and Family History Researchers Google Plus Community which is open to the public for discussions related to any type of technology that could possibly relate to family history research. Vendors and professionals are welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussions. However, guidelines are in place to discourage advertising and what I like to call spam-n-run links that have no engagement from the community whatsoever. We are trying to encourage discussions and learning. Additionally, we are planning a once-a-week Brown Bag Lunch Hangouts and some Gen-Tech Show-and-Tell Hangouts. {Yes, we're going to be hanging out a bit. So you'll need to get dressed for that if you plan to get on camera. If you don't want to get out of your jammies for that, you can still participate in the Hangouts with questions and such, just, you know, refrain from using your webcam. Please. *snort*} Genealogy and Family History for Non-Professionals Google+ Community The second Google Plus Community, Genealogy and Family History for Non-Professionals, is a private group for non-professional researchers in order to share their research, to ask research questions, to answer research questions, to motivate each other, and to collaborate with other researchers. We made it private to encourage everyone from all skill levels to participate. {That's right. You can ask that question you've been wanting to ask, but haven't because you didn't want to look silly.} Hangouts are planned for this community as well. One More Thing A while back I setup a Google Plus Page for 4YourFamilyStory.com. I'm now actually using it for all those fabulous Gen-Tech Links I find, for tech & research tips and hints, and for adding free How-To tech Hangouts. So. That means I have a Personal G+ account where I'll share general stuff on whatever tickles my fancy. And? The For Your Family Story Google+ Page is for all that's genealogy, especially tech stuff. So make sure you circle the For Your Family Story Google+ Page for all those genealogy & technology links and tips and then, of course, you don't want to miss those Hangouts with me either. And if you haven't already circled my personal G+ account and would like to, then go for it. {Very rarely - if ever - will there be cross-posting between the accounts 'cause that just doesn't make sense, right? ;) } See ya' on Google Plus somewhere...I hope. ;) ~Caroline
February 2017
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