In this life of fast food, fast technology, instant information, and instant communication, is it any wonder that people expect the whole "comment leaving" experience on blogs to be easy? Simple? Fast? Instant? I get it. You want my name. [And really? I want you to have my name.] I get it. You want my email, but you promise not to publish it. [And really? Mine are plastered all over the internet for all and sunder to find so why I want to be so secretive, I'll never know. I'm already getting spam that's filtered straight into its very own folder.] I get it. You'd like my website address. [And really? I SO want you to have it.] But anything else? Is way too much. Also, I have a confession to make. Lately I've been bypassing comments on blogs if they have those Captcha puzzles on there. Maybe I'm too lazy. Or sometimes it's because I get it wrong and have to re-enter it. Several times. [That's annoying.] I know. I know. I'm too impatient. And I get where you're coming from as well. You don't want to be spammed in your comments, etc., etc. But lately I've noticed a drop in comments on my blogs. And just between you, me & the gatepost, there are some days I wouldn't mind a spam comment or two. At least I'd know someone was reading what I'd written. [Maybe.] Seriously. Then I'd laugh. Shake my head. And hit the delete button. Easy-peasy and I got a good laugh. [And I'd probably tweet about it too.] Also, most of the time I'm reading blog posts on my iPhone. Those Captcha thingies are too hard to do on there. But if you leave a question on your blog that I can answer or *gasp* we're related and I want to tell you all about it, it's a little difficult. The point is that it's important to foster a community and to foster a discussion on your blog so that people want to come back. Again and again and again. And that's hard to do when your comments are closed awaiting for you to approve whatever your reader had to say about what you wrote. If someone does leave something inappropriate, you can delete it just as fast as you can approve it. And Companies? I've noticed more and more lately that companies and organizations are adding blogs to their sites, which is excellent. [Can you feel the 'but' coming on?] BUT then they have comments turned off. *Big Sigh* and *SMH* Blogs are a part of the social media realm, and the whole point of social media is fostering a social network ~ communication ~ between their organization and their potential customers and current customers. Why? So that if they are in need of what they have to sell to them to solve their problem later on down the road, they remember the company or organization that helped them. And companies don't want to be remembered as not caring about what a reader had to say in response to a blog post. That is, if the reader remembers the company or organization at all. Sometimes, I get the feeling that companies and organizations don't care what I think and that they don't want my input at all when they don't have comments open or if they make it really hard for me to sign up to leave a comment [i.e., 3 web pages to register in order to leave a comment and then it doesn't take me back to what I want to comment on. Seriously?]. What if I wanted to tell that company how great their product or service is and what an awesome impact it has had on my life? Don't they want to hear that? Don't they want other readers [potential customers] to hear that? Blogs are not just a place for one-way communication from the company or organization to their readers, but a place to interact. They aren't just a place to post your press releases either. Sure, they can [and do] post press releases on their blogs, but it should be sandwiched in between blog posts that are fostering communication between the company and their readers. No one is going to check back into a blog to read press releases. [Well, almost no one.] Your blog can be so much more than just a bulletin board. Don't waste it. And? Make it easy and fast. I'm impatient. ;) More about blogs for beginners to professionals coming soon on my blog, where comments are open and welcomed. And where I invite you to subscribe to that blog's mailing list. [And you can sign up for this one, too, in the top right hand corner after scrolling up.] Please feel free to leave comments here, there and everywhere. Really. Please. ~Caroline
10/20/2011 05:27:29 am
A lot of people are using blogs, not because they want to interact with their readers, but because they believe it's what they "should" be doing.
I hate captcha too, and I had the stinkin' thing turned off, then, I started getting too many spam and advertisement type comments on the blogs, I think I was on the "hit" list for spammers/sploggers.
10/20/2011 07:13:34 am
I have captcha turned off on my blog. It almost always drives me nuts, but I have to admit, sometimes the words are pretty funny. I do moderate comments because I don't want anything thinking I'm promoting porn sites or anything.
This is a great thought provoker for me. I just started my blog, and I'm normally in "hide me" mode. Why? I'm all over the internet between my life as a homeschool mom, my personal genealogical research, and my day job as a telecommuter. Don't even get me started on Facebook... Thanks for giving me another perspective. I think I should review some of my settings before I actually get a following on my blog. Maybe I'll end up with a comment or two!
10/20/2011 08:13:08 am
Hi Carol,
And, what will we do about turning captcha on or off when Blogger forces us into the new Blogger in a few weeks, because, as Elizabeth points out, you cannot turn it on or off via the new Blogger. I do believe that we can opt out of the new Blogger, and, believe me, if there is no option on the new Blogger for captcha on or off, I am gonna opt out pronto.
Caroline Pointer
10/20/2011 10:03:41 am
Wow! Lots of responses. Yay!
Caroline, this is a very recent event, err, events. In the last month. SIGHH
12/21/2011 01:00:09 am
Carol, Yes, I get a lot of those spam comments too. Probably more than I get real comments in recent weeks. Those crazy ones that talk about how much they enjoyed your post or the great tip that you shared, but it is really just a way to sneak in a link (these are mostly non-genealogy related sites). Then I get the ones in Russian and other foreign languages, but they are easy to spot! Spam catching is turned on for my blog, but not always effective. But no captchas and no moderation - blogs are about conversation, and as Caroline so eloquently said, there is not much point to a one-way conversation.
Caroline Pointer
10/20/2011 02:27:30 pm
Caroline, did not report, nor did I even consider it. Never crossed my ole tired out mind! LOL Been so busy with so many things that I just took the easy way out. If they show up again when I turn captcha off, I will do that tho, I promise! LOL
12/21/2011 12:56:30 am
I wanted to leave a comment because I agree completely with your sentiment. It wasn't easy for me to leave one here, either. I needed to submit my name, email and website. My gripe in blogger is that I often have to sign out of my google account to leave a comment and then sign back in to look at the next blog. When you are reading several at a time, it gets to be one big pain. I know that I, like everyone else, has to be motivated to leave a comment because it is such a hassle. Glad you got comments on this post. You must have hit a nerve.
Caroline Pointer
12/21/2011 01:21:37 am
Thanks, Kathy. If I could, I'd eliminate the info that my website does ask for when someone wants to leave a comment, but I use Weebly to create my site and that's not an option. If it's any comfort it asks me the same stuff. Hello?!? Doesn't it know me? LOL.
Caroline Pointer
12/21/2011 01:26:25 am
Thanks, Kimberly. I can't keep up with everything either. Smartphone helps tho'. I'd be lost without it. I have to remember to check in at Facebook but that's because I don't like it. And that's a whole other discussion. LOL.
12/21/2011 01:48:21 am
I don't get enough traffic to really be too concerned, but I went with the compromise of moderating just the first comment someone leaves. It's not always easy for me to moderate comments (that regular day job!), so I wanted something, but I certainly don't want to moderate every comment (not that this is a problem so far) or have them delayed. Generally Wordpress does a decent job keeping the spam at bay, but not always.
12/21/2011 02:43:27 am
Hi Caroline,
12/21/2011 03:00:04 am
Amen Sister! Amen!
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