![]() I have this FANTASTIC idea. Wouldn't it be cool if we had our own genealogy cable T.V. channel? We could name it the Saving Crap and Finding Stories Cable TV Channel, or SCFS channel. Think about it. We have Who Do You Think You Are? [WDYTYA?] on Friday nights on NBC and starting this Sunday evening the PBS show Finding Your Roots will begin its season. If we had our own cable TV channel, we could rerun these shows a la USA cable channel or a la ion cable channel. Then? We could rerun the other countries' WDYTYA? TV shows. And we could throw in Find My Past's BBC show where they take an historical moment, research it, and find 3 living descendants to tell them of their connection to the historical moment. [And we SO need the American version to this show. STAT.] We could call it something like, I dunno, You're Connected to History! We could then throw in some forensic-related shows. I can just see it now. Who Shares Your DNA? [I dunno. Who?!?] I can see people getting their DNA tested for genealogy purposes and finding others they are related to. Some weeks, it'd be kinda scary. Do you really wanna meet them? ;) And then throw in the I'm Not a Celebrity but I Wanna Know My Family History and Be On TV! TV show, which [and I know you're going to find this hard to believe] I totally just made up, but, darn, it sounds good, doesn't it? I bet we'd have NO problem finding people for this show. Ooh. And what about the House Secrets TV show? I totally made that one up too, but can't you just hear the announcer saying, *in low bellowing voice* "Your house has secrets. It's time you found them out..."? Houses have histories too, and, boy, wouldn't it be fascinating to watch a house historian give us the lowdown on someone's house? Late nights on the SCFS cable channel? One hour infomercials featuring gadgets researchers could use. Can't you just imagine your insomniac self [Don't lie. You were up doing genealogy.] watching the Flip-Pal infomercial? Yeah. Then, of course, we could have Made-for-TV shows based on popular memoirs. I bet Melissa Gilbert and Genie Francis would be all over these shows in a skinny minute. And we could rerun them during the holidays a la Lifetime Channel. Here's a personal favorite: Don't Throw Out That Inherited Crap! TV show. An Ephemera Rescuer saves family ephemera heirlooms from a certain fate worse than death by finding the stories behind all that crap families inherit and giving it meaning and thus, a new life. Better yet? Bring the 48 Hour Ephemera Challenge to life on TV! Take a team of Ephemera Rescuers who comb antique stores and estate sales in search of identifiable ephemera, watch them research it a bit, tie it into history, and find descendants of those identified in the ephemera, and return it to them. Can you imagine the looks on the descendant's faces when we come a-knockin' with a part of their family history? And, of course, the overlying tension of the show comes from the ever tick-tock of the 48 hour countdown. Can you hear the announcer? *in low bellowing voice* "Can they do it? Can the Ephemera Rescuers put these people back into history where they belong with just...a postcard?" Yes! Yes, we can! [Oops! I totally just got wrapped up into this TV show concept. Heaven only knows why.] We could even have our own critics who chastise the show for not showing all the detailed research steps in each episode. ;) *Big sigh* Oh, for the Saving Crap and Finding Stories Cable TV Channel to be a reality. But, alas! We have just our 2 TV shows to keep us company. WDYTYA? This Friday night at 7pm CST, Helen Hunt will be the celebrity spotlighted on NBC's Who Do You Think You Are? Will it be the Hunt kinfolk they pursue? Were they hunters? Anyone care to guess how many folks will chastise Helen and the show for doing a tombstone rubbing? Here's a sneak peek of Helen's episode: Finding Your Roots And then this Sunday is the season premiere of Finding Your Roots on PBS with Henry Louis Gates Jr. He'll be spotlighting 2 celebrities' family histories ~ Harry Connick Jr. [I think I might just faint. Love him.] and Branford Marsalis! Harry has a pirate in his family. And? So do I! [Not that that matters.] Here's a season preview of the show: So. Provided you didn't just faint from seeing Harry Connick Jr. in the above preview [Um, like me.], do you have any ideas for TV shows? And most importantly, have you named them? Lemme know in comments below. ~Caroline
Sue K
3/21/2012 02:06:40 pm
Ancestor Trek? People visit ancestral places, are "transported" back into time, living the life of their ancestors!
Karen T
3/21/2012 03:02:36 pm
You have such a great idea! And to Sue K-I wouldn't mind doing an "ancestor trek" myself! I've wondered about my family and how they used to live. I've had trouble finding info on my family, and I've thought about how cool it would be if you could go back in time and get all your genealogy questions answered!!!!
Caroline M. Pointer
3/21/2012 11:31:26 pm
Thanks, Karen! Sue definitely has a good idea.
Caroline M. Pointer
3/21/2012 11:29:59 pm
3/21/2012 09:08:39 pm
How about 'DNA New York', 'DNA Miami', etc. ?
Caroline M. Pointer
3/21/2012 11:33:11 pm
Those are great names, Stephen! And thank you for the correction. So, they have a 24/7 family history channel? With infomercials? LOL. We definitely need to step it up then.
Caroline M. Pointer
3/21/2012 11:38:25 pm
I don't know how I forgot this one, but another good show would be the Sailing for Stories. In this TV show, a generous sponsor provides a sizable yacht for an adventurous group of researchers in search of their family stories. I could definitely see myself, um, in this group sailing the high seas and visiting my ancestral lands. And? The cameras follow us everywhere. Think of all the in-port drama, not to mention the onboard drama.
Great idea, Pointer Sister! I came up with some humorous ideas on an old post of mine called If Genealogists Ruled the Television Networks at http://pastprologue.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/if-genealogists-ruled-the-television-networks/ There were some good ideas in the comments too!
Caroline M. Pointer
3/22/2012 11:59:10 am
My Pointer Sista!!!!!!!!! Great minds think alike, eh? ;)
Chris L
3/22/2017 05:50:43 pm
So late to the game, but HGTV used to have "If Walls Could Talk", with stories about people who found things in their old houses and researched the home's history and found out about the people who once lived there. people. Often the discoveries were made during renovations, or while clearing out an attic or shed.
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